Difference between Authentication and Authorization!!

Authentication is the process of verifying who someone is, whereas authorization is the process of verifying what specific applications, files, and data a user has access to.
1. Authentication confirms your identity to grant access to the system.
2. It is the process of validating user credentials to gain user access.
3. It determines whether user is what he claims to be.
4. Authentication usually requires a username and a password.
5. Authentication is the first step of authorization so always comes first.
6. For example, students of a particular university are required to authenticate themselves before accessing the student link of the university’s official website. This is called authentication.
1. Authorization determines whether you are authorized to access the resources.
2. It is the process of verifying whether access is allowed or not.
3. It determines what user can and cannot access.
4. Authentication factors required for authorization may vary, depending on the security level
5. Authorization is done after successful authentication.
6. For example, authorization determines exactly what information the students are authorized to access on the university website after successful authentication.